OVER $350,000 Worth of Services Provided to Our Community in 2020!

1 in 4 YMCA Members
were given access to the Y through our Open Doors Financial Assistance Program.

1,438 Kids
in our community participated in YMCA swimming lessons. No child is turned away from the opportunity to learn to swim.

More than 1,000 Kids
participated in YMCA child care programs, which provided continuous care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

7,780 Local Adults
are now educated in Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children training to help recognize and prevent child abuse.

The Travelin' Table Bus
brought meals to children in outlying areas during the summer and educational programming during the school year. In the coming year, other needed services will also be provided.

Over 4 MILLION Pounds of Food
was served by our Anti-Hunger Program to kids and families in need across Centre County.